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Forman Law Group

Anyone who has violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act can be held liable and it is not limited to U.S. citizens. The act covers things that may be done in the routine course of business but are still violations, nonetheless.

What Are My Defense Options In Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Cases?

The available defenses very much depend on who the actor is, where the act took place, what the nature of the business was, who was contacted as a government official, where the funds were deposited, and it how they were transacted.

How Can A Company Ensure That Expenses Are Reasonable And Bona Fide When It Comes To Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

The best way to ensure that business expenses are reasonable is to put things in writing and have receipts. Explanations can be made part of a file so that if it comes into question, it shows why it was done. That’s always a good business practice.

For more information on Liability Under Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (305) 577-8888 today.

Forman Law Group

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(305) 577-8888

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