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The most common form of evidence involved in a money laundering case concerns financial institution transactions. Obviously, money can be transacted in cash as well, but it is generally transactions through financial institutions that become the subject of money laundering cases.

How Does It Impact A Money Laundering Charge If Money Was Moved Over State Lines?

In the case of most money laundering cases, the concept of moving over state lines is not really the relevant core of the violation and does not affect it one way or another. The essence of money laundering revolves around whether the source of the funds are illegal. In such a case, the transaction of those funds is considered to be money laundering. Whether it is being done from Miami to Paris or Miami to Fort Lauderdale does not affect the charge.

What Evidence Would Be Helpful To Defend My Money Laundering Case?

No evidence of intent is always a defense to money laundering as well as other criminal charges. There may be other factors in money laundering cases where it was unknown, for example, that money came from an illegal source. It actually has to be proven that you had knowledge that it came from an illegal source. This can be done by circumstantial as well as direct evidence. However, lack of knowledge and/or intent is always a defense.

Does The Method Of Money Laundering Impact The Charges And Penalties I Could Face?

The method does not affect the penalty. The penalty is driven by the amount that’s being laundered. If you are convicted of money laundering that involves seven million dollars, whether those seven million dollars were done in a suitcase full of cash or through a financial institution is not relevant to the penalty.

What Are Plausible Defenses To Money Laundering Charges?

Knowledge of the source of the funds and whether or not you did anything to conceal it can be a defense. Also important are, the relevant circumstances surrounding the transaction in question.

For more information on Evidence In Money Laundering Cases In FL, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (305) 577-8888 today.

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